2016-4-23 16:54
下面是一个mangos.conf 的很多汉化的内容。大家可以根据conf中的配置项目来作为参考
# MaNGOS 服务器配置文件中文说明 #
# 连接和目录配置
# RealmID
# 登陆服务器设置。RealmID 必须匹配realmd库里面的 realmlist
# DataDir
# 数据目录设置.
# 重要说明:数据目录需要放在引号里面,因为字符串可能包含空格.
# 例如: "D:\Mangos"
# LogsDir
# 日志文件目录设置.
# 注意: 日志目录必需是已存在, 或所有日志是功能失效,否则报错
# 默认: "" - 不起用日志目录功能, 默认在当前目录.
# LoginDatabaseInfo
# WorldDatabaseInfo
# CharacterDatabaseInfo
# 世界服务器的数据库连接设置.
# 默认:
# ---MYSQL---
# 主机地址(域名或IP);端口;用户名;密码;数据库名称
# .;somenumber;username;password;database - use named pipes at Windows
# Named pipes: mySQL required adding "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld] section my.ini
# .;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database - 使用Unix网络接口 Unix/Linux
# ---PGSQL---
# 主机地址(域名或IP);端口;用户名;密码;数据库名称
# .;/path/to/unix_socket/DIRECTORY or . 默认路径;username;password;database - 使用Unix网络接口 Unix/Linux
# LoginDatabaseConnections
# WorldDatabaseConnections
# CharacterDatabaseConnections
# Amount of connections to database which will be used for SELECT queries. Maximum 16 connections per database.
# Please, note, for data consistency only one connection for each database is used for transactions and async SELECTs.
# So formula to find out how many connections will be established: X = _connections + 1
# Default: 1 connection for SELECT statements
# MaxPingTime
# 设置最高ping数据库的时间间隔(分钟)
# WorldServerPort
# 默认游戏运行端口
# BindIP
# 设置绑定的IP(不做修改)
# This option is useful for running multiple worldd/realmd instances
# on different IP addresses using default ports.
RealmID = 1
DataDir = "."
LogsDir = ""
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;mangos;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;mangos;mangos"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;mangos;characters"
LoginDatabaseConnections = 1
WorldDatabaseConnections = 1
CharacterDatabaseConnections = 1
MaxPingTime = 30
WorldServerPort = 8085
BindIP = ""
# 服务端性能设置
# UseProcessors
# 在多线程系统 使用线程MASK(只在Windows系统下使用)
# 默认: 0 (操作系统来选择)
# 举例: 数字
# ProcessPriority
# 进程优先权设置(只在Windows系统下使用)
# 默认: 1 (高优先)
# 0 (正常优先权)
# Compression
# 发送到客户端的更新数据包的压缩级别(1到9)
# 默认: 1 (速度快,不压缩)
# 9 (最好的压缩)
# PlayerLimit
# 除GM之外 游戏最大在线玩家数限制
# 默认: 100
# 0 (登陆无限制)
# -1 (仅仅允许 Mods, GM's 和 Admins 登陆)
# -2 (仅仅允许 GM's 和 Admins 登陆)
# -3 (仅仅允许 Admins 登陆)
# SaveRespawnTimeImmediately
# 保存刷新时间 当生物死 当物体被打开或使用
# 默认: 1 (不在网格卸载的时候保存人/物体的刷新时间)
# 0 (保存人/物体的刷新时间在网格卸载的时候)
# MaxOverspeedPings
# 最大速度限制倍率(如果为0则关闭检查加速)
# 默认: 2
# GridUnload
# 卸载Grids (如果里的内存够大,可以禁用,提高玩家第二次经过新Grids时候的速度)
# 默认: 1 (卸载)
# 0 (不卸载)
# GridCleanUpDelay
# 默认地图网格清理延迟 (毫秒)
# 默认: 300000 (5 分钟)
# MapUpdateInterval
# 默认地图更新间隔 (毫秒)
# 默认: 100
# ChangeWeatherInterval
# 默认天气更新间隔 (毫秒)
# 默认: 600000 (10 分钟)
# PlayerSave.Interval
# 默认玩家数据保存间隔(毫秒)
# 默认: 900000 (15 min)
# PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel
# Minimum level for saving character stats for external usage in database
# Default: 0 (do not save character stats)
# 1+ (save stats for characters with level 1+)
# PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout
# Enable/Disable saving of character stats only on logout
# Default: 1 (only save on logout)
# 0 (save on every player save)
# vmap.enableLOS
# vmap.enableHeight
# 打开/关闭 VMmap 对视线和高度的推算支持
# 默认: 0 (关闭)
# 1 (开启)
# vmap.ignoreSpellIds
# 不进行视线推算的技能
# 技能之间使用 ','分割
# vmap.enableIndoorCheck
# Enable/Disable VMap based indoor check to remove outdoor-only auras (mounts etc.).
# Requires VMaps enabled to work.
# Default: 1 (Enabled)
# 0 (Disabled)
# DetectPosCollision
# 检查最后的移动位置,传召的位置,为可见的其他物体碰撞或墙
# (墙只有vmaps已启用)
# 默认: 1 (启用,需要更多的CPU功耗)
# 0 (禁用,不到好位置的选择,但较少的CPU功耗)
# TargetPosRecalculateRange
# 最大距离目标点运动(+移动单位大小)和目标对象(+大小)。
# 之后,新的目标移动点计算. 最大: 近战攻击范围(5),接触范围(0.5)
# 更大的距离让有更好的性能,较小的距离让在目标移动时有更多的敏感反应
# 默认: 1.5
# UpdateUptimeInterval
# 以分钟更新realmd运行时间 (保存在'uptime'数据表). 必须大于 > 0
# 默认: 10 (分钟)
# MaxCoreStuckTime
# 定时间检查进程是否僵死, 如果进程僵死,那么服务端将强制性的重新启动(在指定的时间内)
# amount of seconds. Must be > 0. Recommended > 10 secs if you use this.
# 默认: 0 (关闭)
# AddonChannel
# 允许/禁用 使用addons频道通过服务器
# (一些客户端插件可以在禁止addon频道后仍然继续使用)
# 默认: 1 (允许addon频道)
# 0 (不允许addon频道)
# CleanCharacterDB
# Perform character db cleanups on start up
# Default: 1 (Enable)
# 0 (Disabled)
UseProcessors = 0
ProcessPriority = 1
Compression = 1
PlayerLimit = 500
SaveRespawnTimeImmediately = 1
MaxOverspeedPings = 2
GridUnload = 1
GridCleanUpDelay = 300000
MapUpdateInterval = 100
ChangeWeatherInterval = 600000
PlayerSave.Interval = 90000
PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel = 0
PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout = 1
vmap.enableLOS = 0
vmap.enableHeight = 0
vmap.ignoreSpellIds = "7720"
vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1
DetectPosCollision = 0
TargetPosRecalculateRange = 1.5
UpdateUptimeInterval = 10
MaxCoreStuckTime = 500
AddonChannel = 0
CleanCharacterDB = 1
# 服务端运行日志设置
# LogSQL
# 启用GM命令记录-所有的SQL代码都将被记录在日记文件中
# 所有的命令记录文件都以日期方式命名: YYYY-MM-DD_logSQL.sql
# 如果开始了新的一天 (00:00:00) 则会自动建立一个新的日期名文件 - 原来的旧文件不会被自动删除.
# 默认: 1 - 记录SQL写入日志
# 0 - 不记录
# PidFile
# 是否创建主控制器worldd系统进程档案记录 PID 文件
# 默认: "" - 留空为不合建PID文件
# "./worldd.pid" - 创建PID文件为(worldd.pid)
# LogLevel
# 服务器控制台记录显示的级别
# 0 = 最小; 1 = 基础和错误; 2 = 详细; 3 = 完全或侦错
# 默认: 3
# LogTime
# 包含时间,在服务器的控制台输入中 [hh:mm:ss]
# 默认: 0 (不打印时间)
# 1 (打印时间)
# LogFile
# 记录文件的名字
# 默认: "Server.log"
# "" - 文件名为空 则不创建记录文件
# LogTimestamp
# 日志文件用服务器时间命名与否
# 默认: 0 - 没有时间戳在名字
# 1 - 增加时间戳在名字在形式 日志文件名_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.Ext for Logname.Ext
# LogFileLevel
# 记录文件的记录级别
# 0 = 最小; 1 = 基础和错误; 2 = 详细; 3 = 完全或侦错
# 默认: 0
# LogFilter_AchievementUpdates
# LogFilter_CreatureMoves
# LogFilter_TransportMoves
# LogFilter_VisibilityChanges
# LogFilter_Weather
# LogFilter_DbStrictedCheck
# 日志过滤
# 默认: 1 - 如果记录等级允许,则包含
# 0 - 任何记录等级都 不包含
# LogFilter_PeriodicAffects
# LogFilter_PlayerMoves
# LogFilter_SQLText
# LogFilter_AIAndMovegens
# LogFilter_PlayerStats
# LogFilter_Damage
# LogFilter_Combat
# LogFilter_SpellCast
# Log filters (disabled by default, mostly debug only output affected cases)
# Default: 0 - include in log if log level permit
# 1 - not include with any log level
# WorldLogFile
# 世界服务器封包记录日志文件(world.log)空为不记录
# 默认: "world.log"
# WorldLogTimestamp
# 世界日志文件用服务器时间命名与否
# 默认: 0 - 没有时间戳在名字
# 1 - 增加时间戳在名字在形式 日志文件名_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.Ext for Logname.Ext
# DBErrorLogFile
# 记录数据库错误的文件名
# 默认: "DBErrors.log"
# CharLogFile
# 角色活动日志文件名设置
# 默认: "Char.log"
# "" - 留空表示不创建日志文件
# CharLogTimestamp
# 日志文件是否使用服务器时间戳来顺序命名
# 默认: 0 - 不使用时间戳名
# 1 - 使用时间戳命名日志文件,如:将Logname.Ext存为:Logname_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.Ext
# CharLogDump
# 角色删除前是否同时清除在日志文件里的记录 Char.log
# 为恢复角色剪切数据从日志开始连接 == START DUMP == to line == END DUMP ==
# line == START DUMP == to line == END DUMP == (without its) 在文件里加载它使用loadpdump命令
# 默认: 0 - 不包含日志文件内的角色记录
# 1 - 包含日志文件内的记录
# GmLogFile
# 记录GM命令使用情况的 记录文件名
# 默认: "" (关闭)
# GmLogTimestamp
# 日志文件是否使用服务器时间戳来顺序命名
# 默认: 0 - 不使用时间戳名
# 1 - 使用时间戳命名日志文件,如:将Logname.Ext存为:Logname_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.Ext
# GmLogPerAccount
# GM 日志,根据GM的帐号ID来 (注意: 如果没有设置,那么GM日志将不会创建)
# 默认: 0 - 增加GM日志在单独的文件中
# 1 - 根据帐号名来创建GM日志
# 例如 Logname_#ID_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.Ext
# 或则 Logname_#ID.Ext
# RaLogFile
# RA 命令的日志文件
# 默认: "Ra.log"
# "" - 留空为不记录
# LogColors
# 控制台信息的颜色 (格式: "正常颜色 详情颜色 debug颜色 错误颜色)
# 颜色: 0-黑色, 1-红, 2-绿, 3-棕, 4-蓝, 5-品红, 6-青绿, 7-灰色,
# 8-黄, 9-淡红, 10-淡绿, 11-淡蓝, 12-淡品红, 13-淡青绿, 14-白色
# 默认: "" 无颜色(白色)
# 例如: "13 7 11 9"
LogSQL = 1
PidFile = ""
LogLevel = 3
LogTime = 0
LogFile = "Server.log"
LogTimestamp = 0
LogFileLevel = 3
LogFilter_AchievementUpdates = 1
LogFilter_CreatureMoves = 1
LogFilter_TransportMoves = 1
LogFilter_VisibilityChanges = 1
LogFilter_Weather = 1
LogFilter_DbStrictedCheck = 1
LogFilter_PeriodicAffects = 0
LogFilter_PlayerMoves = 0
LogFilter_SQLText = 1
LogFilter_AIAndMovegens = 0
LogFilter_PlayerStats = 0
LogFilter_Damage = 0
LogFilter_Combat = 0
LogFilter_SpellCast = 0
WorldLogFile = ""
WorldLogTimestamp = 0
DBErrorLogFile = "DBErrors.log"
CharLogFile = "Char.log"
CharLogTimestamp = 0
CharLogDump = 0
GmLogFile = ""
GmLogTimestamp = 0
GmLogPerAccount = 0
RaLogFile = ""
LogColors = "13 7 11 9"
# 服务端设置
# GameType
# 服务器模式
# 0 = 正常; 1 = PVP; 4 = 正常; 6 = RP; 8 = RPPVP
# 自定义模式:: 16 FFA_PVP (自由PVP设置)
# RealmZone
# 服务器地区选择(设置允许人物名字允许的字符/等). See also Strict*Names options.
# 1 开发 - 任意语言 (默认)
# 2 美国 - extended-Latin
# 3 Oceanic - extended-Latin
# 4 Latin America - extended-Latin
# 5 Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 6 Korea - East-Asian
# 7 Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 8 英国 - extended-Latin
# 9 德国 - extended-Latin
# 10 法国 - extended-Latin
# 11 西班牙 - extended-Latin
# 12 俄国 - Cyrillic
# 13 比赛 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 14 台湾 - East-Asian
# 15 比赛 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 16 中国 - East-Asian
# 17 CN1 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 18 CN2 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 19 CN3 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 20 CN4 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 21 CN5 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 22 CN6 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 23 CN7 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 24 CN8 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 25 比赛 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 26 测试服 - 任何语言
# 27 比赛 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# 28 QA服务器 - 任何语言
# 29 CN9 - basic-Latin at create, any at login
# Expansion
# 开放燃烧远征功能
# 默认: 2 - check expansion 2 maps existence, and if client support expansion 2 and account have
# expansion 2 setting then allow visit expansion 2 maps, allow create new class character)
# 1 - check expansion 1 maps existence, and if client support expansion 1 and account have
# expansion 1 setting then allow visit expansion 1 maps, allow create new races character)
# 0 - not check expansion maps existence, not allow visit its, not allow create new race or new class
# characters, ignore account expansion setting)
# DBC.Locale
# DBC 语言设置(根据客户端解压的DBC表的不同自行定义)
# 0 = 英语; 1 = 韩语; 2 = 法语; 3 = 德语; 4 = 中文; 5 = 繁体中文; 6 = 西班牙; 7 = 西班牙墨西哥
# 8 = 俄语; 255 = 自动选择 (默认)
# DeclinedNames
# 允许俄罗斯客户端建立并使用下降的名字
# 默认: 0 - 不允许使用下降的名字, 除非俄罗斯RealmZone已经设置好
# 1 - 使用declined名字
# StrictPlayerNames
# 限制玩家游戏名字语言的设置, 不允许创建角色, 并设置重命名要求和断开时不允许符号名称
# 默认: 0 关闭 (but limited server timezone dependent client check)
# 1 basic latin characters (strict)
# 2 realm 地区自动选择 (strict). 参考 RealmZone 设置.
# Note: In any case if you want correctly see character name at client this client must have apporopriate fonts
# (included in client by default, with active official localization or custom localization fonts in clientdir/Fonts).
# 3 basic latin characters + server timezone specific
# StrictCharterNames
# Limit guild/arena team charter names to language specific symbols set, not allow create charters with not allowed symbols in name
# Default: 0 disable
# 1 basic latin characters (strict)
# 2 realm zone specific (strict). See RealmZone setting.
# Note: In any case if you want correctly see character name at client this client must have apporopriate fonts
# (included in client by default, with active official localization or custom localization fonts in clientdir/Fonts).
# 3 basic latin characters + server timezone specific
# StrictPetNames
# Limit pet names to language specific symbols set
# Default: 0 disable
# 1 basic latin characters (strict)
# 2 realm zone specific (strict). See RealmZone setting.
# Note: In any case if you want correctly see character name at client this client must have apporopriate fonts
# (included in client by default, with active official localization or custom localization fonts in clientdir/Fonts).
# 3 basic latin characters + server timezone specific
# MinPlayerName
# 最小的玩家名称的长度 (1..12)
# 默认: 2
# MinCharterName
# 最小的人物名称长度 (1..24)
# 默认: 2
# MinPetName
# 最小的宠物名称长度 (1..12)
# 默认: 2
# CharactersCreatingDisabled
# 禁止人物创建特殊的队伍或则任何 (没有玩家的帐户不受影响)
# 默认: 0 - 启用
# 1 - 仅仅限制联盟
# 2 - 仅仅限制部落
# 3 - 限制两者
# CharactersPerAccount
# 每个account的帐号可以建立的人物数(指一个realmd,多个服务端).
# Note: this setting limit character creating at _current_ realm base at characters amount at all realms
# 默认: 50
# 这个数量必须大于等于 >= CharactersPerRealm
# CharactersPerRealm
# realmd中的每个帐号可以建立的最多的人物数
# 默认: 10 (客户端限制)
# 数量必须在 1 到 10 之间
# HeroicCharactersPerRealm
# 每个帐号最多能创建多少个英雄职业
# 默认: 1
# 数量必须在 0 (不允许0) 到 10 之间
# MinLevelForHeroicCharacterCreating
# 创建死亡骑士的时候,是否需要帐号下其他人物的等级超过此设置 (不限制GM帐号)
# 0 - 不需求有其他任何人物
# 1 - 至少要有一个其他人物
# Default: 55 - 需要拥有其他任务,并高于55级
# SkipCinematics
# Disable in-game script movie at first character's login(allows to prevent buggy intro in case of custom start location coordinates)
# Default: 0 - show intro for each new character
# 1 - show intro only for first character of selected race
# 2 - disable intro in all cases
# MaxPlayerLevel
# 玩家获得经验能升到的最高等级(必须在 1 到 255).
# 不推荐去修改它
# 默认: 80
# StartPlayerLevel
# 创建人物等级 (范围在1到最高等级之间(1-最高限制之间))
# 默认: 1
# StartHeroicPlayerLevel
# 英雄职业DK的出生等级 (范围在1到最高等级之间)
# 默认: 55
# StartPlayerMoney
# 新人物出生的金钱数量.
# 计算单位以铜币计量, 一银币等于 100铜币 (100 铜 = 1 银)
# 默认: 0
# MaxHonorPoints
# 玩家最多能拥有的荣誉点数.
# 默认: 75000
# StartHonorPoints
# 新人物出生的荣誉点数
# 默认: 0
# MaxArenaPoints
# 玩家最多能拥有的竞技点数.
# 默认: 5000
# StartArenaPoints
# 玩家新建立人物的竞技点数
# 默认: 0
# InstantLogout
# 允许或则禁止在副本中注销的帐号权限 (0..4) 或则更高 (不在战斗中/决斗时/下降时)
# 默认: 1 (GM1/管理员/超级管理员)
# AllFlightPaths
# 创建人物时开通所有的飞行路径 (注意: 所有的飞行路径, not only player's team)
# 默认: 0 (关闭)
# 1 (开启)
# AlwaysMaxSkillForLevel
# 当玩家登陆时,升级时将自动获得最高等级的 (武器/防御) 技能.
# 默认: 0 (关闭)
# 1 (开启)
# ActivateWeather
# 是否开启天气系统
# 默认: 1 (开启)
# 0 (关闭)
# CastUnstuck
# Allow cast Unstuck spell at .start or client Help option use
# Default: 1 (true)
# 0 (false)
# MaxSpellCastsInChain
# Max amount triggered spell casts in chain by one caster, prevent stack overflow crash
# Too Low value will make some correct triggered casts fail
# 0 (no limit)
# Default: 10
# BirthdayTime
# Set to birthday (date in unix time), By default 28th August 2005, when MaNGOS got it抯 name
# Default: 1125180000
# Instance.IgnoreLevel
# 是否取消进入副本的等级限制
# 默认: 0 (不取消)
# 1 (取消)
# Instance.IgnoreRaid
# 是否取消进入副本团队限制
# 默认: 0 (不取消)
# 1 (取消)
# Instance.ResetTimeHour
# 需要多少小时,每天 (0-23) 重置副本.
# 默认: 4
# Instance.UnloadDelay
# 当没有玩家在该副本地图中时,卸载副本地图在内存中的占用.
# 默认: 1800000 (1800000=30分钟)
# 0 (副本地图始终加载到内存中,直到副本重置)
# Quests.LowLevelHideDiff
# 玩家可以看到NPC 头上的感叹号的任务等级比自己低的级数:
# if player_level > quest_level + LowLevelQuestsHideDiff then quest "!" mark not show for quest giver
# 默认: 4
# -1 (可以显示所有比自己等级低的任务的感叹号)
# Quests.HighLevelHideDiff
# 玩家可以看到NPC 头上的感叹号的任务等级比自己高的级数:
# if player_level < quest_min_level - HighLevelQuestsHideDiff then quest "!" mark not show for quest giver
# 默认: 7
# -1 (显示所有比自己等级高的任务地感叹号)
# Quests.Daily.ResetHour
# Hour when daily quests reset (0..23)
# Default: 6
# Quests.Weekly.ResetWeekDay
# Week day when daily quests reset (0..6) 0 == Sunday
# Default: 3
# Quests.Weekly.ResetHour
# Hour in one from weekly days when weekly quests reset (0..23)
# Default: 6
# Quests.IgnoreRaid
# Non-raid quests allowed in raids
# Default: 0 (not allowed)
# 1 (allowed)
# Guild.EventLogRecordsCount
# Count of guild event log records stored in guild_eventlog table
# Increase to store more guild events in table, minimum is 100
# You can set it to very high value to prevent oldest guild events to be rewritten by latest guild events - but it can slow down performance
# Default: 100
# Guild.BankEventLogRecordsCount
# Count of guild_bank event log records stored in guild_bank_eventlog table
# Increase to store more guild_bank events in table - minimum is 25 (GUILD_BANK_MAX_LOGS) for each guild_bank tab
# Useful when you don't want old log events to be overwritten by new, but increasing can slow down performance
# Default: 25
# TimerBar.Fatigue.GMLevel
# 关闭/开启 虚弱 在哪些帐号等级才开启 (0..254) 或则更高
# 默认: 254 (无)
# TimerBar.Fatigue.Max
# 虚弱的最长时间 (秒)
# 默认: 60 (1 分钟)
# 0 (立即死亡)
# TimerBar.Breath.GMLevel
# 禁止/允许 水下呼吸的安全帐号等级 (0..254) 或则更高
# 默认: 254 (无)
# TimerBar.Breath.Max
# 水下呼吸最长时间 (秒)
# 默认: 180
# 0 (即时水下呼吸损害的开始)
# TimerBar.Fire.GMLevel
# 禁止/允许 熔岩火焰伤害的安全帐号等级 (0..254) 或则更高
# 默认: 254 (无)
# TimerBar.Fire.Max
# 熔岩火焰伤害的延迟时间 (秒)
# 默认: 1
# 0 (即时熔岩火焰伤害的开始)
# MaxPrimaryTradeSkill
# 玩家最多可以学的 商业技能.
# 默认: 2
# 最大 : 10
# MinPetitionSigns
# 建立公会所需的最少玩家签名个数 (0..9).
# 默认: 9
# MaxGroupXPDistance
# 小队成员在生物死亡 获得经验的 最大距离(同怪物的距离).
# 默认: 74
# MailDeliveryDelay
# 如果邮寄物品延时多久收到
# 默认: 3600 sec (1 小时)
# MassMailer.SendPerTick
# Max amount mail send each tick from mails list scheduled for mass mailer proccesing.
# More mails increase server load but speedup mass mail proccess. Normal tick length: 50 msecs, so 20 ticks in sec and 200 mails in sec by default.
# Default: 10
# SkillChance.Prospecting
# 默认情况下不可能提升预测技能, 但是可以使用配置来启用
# 默认: 0 - 不可以提升
# 1 - 可以提升
# SkillChance.Milling
# For milling skillup impossible by default, but can be allowed as custom setting
# Default: 0 - no skilups
# 1 - skilups possible
# OffhandCheckAtTalentsReset
# 天赋重置副手武器限制会改变对装备槽.
# 默认: 0 - 检查副手武器的插槽仅仅在地区更新的时候
# 1 - 检查副手武器的插槽同时也在重置天赋的时候
# PetUnsummonAtMount
# Persmanent pet will unsummoned at player mount
# 0 - unsummon only for flying mounts
# Default: 1 - unsummon for any mount
# ClientCacheVersion
# 客户端缓存版客户端缓存数据重置. 使用任何不同的DB值,而不是最近用于触发重置.
# 默认: 0 (使用 Mangos库的db_version表的cache_id字段值)
# Event.Announce
# 事件公告
# 默认: 0 (关闭)
# 1 (开启)
# BeepAtStart
# 在mangos启动完毕后蜂鸣一声(通常只在Unix nux系统下工作)
# 默认: 1 (开启)
# 0 (关闭)
# ShowProgressBars
# Control show progress bars for load steps at server startup
# Default: 1 (true)
# 0 (false)
# WaitAtStartupError
# After startup error report wait <Enter> or some time before continue (and possible close console window)
# -1 (wait until <Enter> press)
# Default: 0 (not wait)
# N (>0, wait N secs)
# Motd
# 每日消息。当玩家进入游戏的时候显示在聊天窗口的信息 ('@' 增加新的一行).
# Raid.MinLevel
# Minimal player level to join raid groups (only affects existing raid groups, party->raid convert ignored)
# You can bypass this setting by typing "/script SetAllowLowLevelRaid(true/false)" command in chat
# Default: 10
GameType = 1
RealmZone = 16
Expansion = 2
DBC.Locale = 255
DeclinedNames = 0
StrictPlayerNames = 0
StrictCharterNames = 0
StrictPetNames = 0
MinPlayerName = 2
MinCharterName = 2
MinPetName = 2
CharactersCreatingDisabled = 0
CharactersPerAccount = 50
CharactersPerRealm = 10
HeroicCharactersPerRealm = 1
MinLevelForHeroicCharacterCreating = 55
SkipCinematics = 0
MaxPlayerLevel = 80
StartPlayerLevel = 1
StartHeroicPlayerLevel = 55
StartPlayerMoney = 0
MaxHonorPoints = 75000
StartHonorPoints = 0
MaxArenaPoints = 5000
StartArenaPoints = 0
InstantLogout = 1
DisableWaterBreath = 254
AllFlightPaths = 0
AlwaysMaxSkillForLevel = 0
ActivateWeather = 1
CastUnstuck = 1
MaxSpellCastsInChain = 10
BirthdayTime = 1125180000
Instance.IgnoreLevel = 0
Instance.IgnoreRaid = 0
Instance.ResetTimeHour = 4
Instance.UnloadDelay = 1800000
Quests.LowLevelHideDiff = 4
Quests.HighLevelHideDiff = 7
Quests.Daily.ResetHour = 6
Quests.Weekly.ResetWeekDay = 3
Quests.Weekly.ResetHour = 6
Quests.IgnoreRaid = 0
Guild.EventLogRecordsCount = 100
Guild.BankEventLogRecordsCount = 25
TimerBar.Fatigue.GMLevel = 254
TimerBar.Fatigue.Max = 60
TimerBar.Breath.GMLevel = 254
TimerBar.Breath.Max = 180
TimerBar.Fire.GMLevel = 254
TimerBar.Fire.Max = 1
MaxPrimaryTradeSkill = 2
MinPetitionSigns = 9
MaxGroupXPDistance = 74
MailDeliveryDelay = 3600
MassMailer.SendPerTick = 10
SkillChance.Prospecting = 0
SkillChance.Milling = 0
OffhandCheckAtTalentsReset = 0
PetUnsummonAtMount = 1
ClientCacheVersion = 0
Event.Announce = 0
BeepAtStart = 1
ShowProgressBars = 1
WaitAtStartupError = 0
Motd = "欢迎来到MgCORE芒果世界."
Raid.MinLevel = 10
# 玩家交互设置
# AllowTwoSide.Accounts
# 是否运行同1个帐号 建立不2个不同阵营的角色 GM号为始终为 允许.
# 0 (不允许)
# 默认: 1 (允许)
# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Chat
# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel
# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group
# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild
# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction
# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Mail
# 是否允许 不同阵营间的 聊天 频道聊天 组队 交易(不包含世界聊天部分)
# 默认: 0 (不允许)
# 1 (允许)
# AllowTwoSide.WhoList
# 是否在在线玩家列表里显示敌对阵营玩家.
# 默认: 0 (不允许)
# 1 (允许)
# AllowTwoSide.AddFriend
# 是否允许不同阵营里的人加入好友.
# 默认: 0 (不允许)
# 1 (允许)
# TalentsInspecting
# 允许其他玩家查看角色天赋对话框(GM角色总是被允许)
# 默认: 1 (允许)
# 0 (不允许)
AllowTwoSide.Accounts = 1
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Chat = 0
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel = 0
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group = 0
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild = 0
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 0
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Mail = 0
AllowTwoSide.WhoList = 1
AllowTwoSide.AddFriend = 0
TalentsInspecting = 1
# ThreatRadius
# 多少码外后怪物失去战斗侦测点
# 如果ThreatRadius小于怪物的侦测范围那么侦测就会启用
# 默认: 100 码
# Rate.Creature.Aggro
# 生物攻击侦测范围.
# 默认: 1 - 100%
# 1.5 - 150%
# 0 - 关闭 (0%)
# CreatureFamilyFleeAssistanceRadius
# Radius which creature will use to seek for a near creature for assistance. Creature will flee to this creature.
# Default: 30
# 0 - off
# CreatureFamilyAssistanceRadius
# 同类生物(家族)协助攻击侦测范围
# 默认: 10
# 0 - 关闭
# CreatureFamilyAssistanceDelay
# 同类生物(家族)协助攻击侦测时间
# 默认: 1500 (1.5秒)
# CreatureFamilyFleeDelay
# Time during which creature can flee when no assistant found
# Default: 7000 (7s)
# WorldBossLevelDiff
# BOSS与目标等级差距等级
# 默认: 3
# Corpse.EmptyLootShow
# If target can have loot (or can be skining after loot) but no loot generated still show loot window
# Default: 1 (show)
# 0 (not show)
# Corpse.Decay.NORMAL
# Corpse.Decay.RARE
# Corpse.Decay.ELITE
# Corpse.Decay.RAREELITE
# Corpse.Decay.WORLDBOSS
# 生物死亡后,尸体停留时间长度(秒).
# 默认: 300, 900, 600, 1200, 3600
# Rate.Corpse.Decay.Looted
# Controls how long the creature corpse stays after it had been looted, as a multiplier of its Corpse.Decay.* config.
# Default: 0.0 (will use modifier /3 of the creatures spawntimesecs when 0.0)
# Rate.Creature.Normal.Damage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.Damage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.Damage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.Damage
# 生物物理伤害比率.
# 例如: 2 - 表示2倍攻击率, 1.7 - 1.7x.
# Rate.Creature.Normal.SpellDamage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.SpellDamage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.SpellDamage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.SpellDamag
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.SpellDamage
# 生物技能伤害比率.
# 例如: 2 - 2倍魔法技能伤害倍数, 1.7 - 1.7x.
# Rate.Creature.Normal.HP
# Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.HP
# Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.HP
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.HP
# 生物生命值比率.
# 例如: 2 - 提高到2倍生命值, 1.7 - 1.7x.
# ListenRange.Say
# 玩家能看到生物说话的距离 (或则其他世界物体说话内容)
# 默认: 25
# ListenRange.TextEmote
# 玩家能看到生物表情的距离 (或则其他世界物体)
# 默认: 25
# ListenRange.Yell
# 玩家能听到生物呼喊的距离 (或则其他世界物体)
# 默认: 300
# GuidReserveSize.Creature
# GuidReserveSize.GameObject
# Amount guids reserved for .npc add/.gobject add directly after last used in DB static spawned creature/gameobject guid
# Commands .npc add/.gobject add can be used only for guids from this reserve and required server restart if all guids
# from reserve used before above commands can be used in like case. Less size increase amount guids for dynamic spawns
# in game from other side
# Default: 100
ThreatRadius = 100
Rate.Creature.Aggro = 0.8
CreatureFamilyFleeAssistanceRadius = 30
CreatureFamilyAssistanceRadius = 10
CreatureFamilyAssistanceDelay = 1500
CreatureFamilyFleeDelay = 7000
WorldBossLevelDiff = 3
Corpse.EmptyLootShow = 1
Corpse.Decay.NORMAL = 300
Corpse.Decay.RARE = 900
Corpse.Decay.ELITE = 600
Corpse.Decay.RAREELITE = 1200
Corpse.Decay.WORLDBOSS = 3600
Rate.Corpse.Decay.Looted = 0.0
Rate.Creature.Normal.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Normal.SpellDamage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.SpellDamage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.SpellDamage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.SpellDamage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.SpellDamage = 1
Rate.Creature.Normal.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.HP = 1
ListenRange.Say = 40
ListenRange.TextEmote = 40
ListenRange.Yell = 300
GuidReserveSize.Creature = 100
GuidReserveSize.GameObject = 100
# 聊天系统设置
# ChatFakeMessagePreventing
# 天制造假讯息保护控制,防止占用更多空间,针对(其他无形的符号),
# 不适用于插件语言讯息,但是可能防止运作总是添加物品名等形式寄发数据
# 即使用正常语言将数据发送到其它客户.
# 默认: 0 (不检查假消息)
# 1 (查检假消息)
# ChatStrictLinkChecking.Severity
# Check chat messages for ingame links to spells, items, quests, achievements etc.
# Default: 0 (disable link checking)
# 1 (check if only valid pipe commands are used. This prevents posting pictures for example)
# 2 (verifiy that pipe commands are used in a correct order)
# 3 (check if color, entry and name don't contradict each other. For correct work, please assure
# that you have extracted locale DBCs of every language specific client playing on this server.)
# ChatStrictLinkChecking.Kick
# Defines, what should be done if a message is considered to contain invalid pipe commands.
# Default: 0 (silently ignore message)
# 1 (kick players who sent invalid formed messages)
# ChatFlood.MessageCount
# 防刷屏开关,多少条违规信息激活保护
# 默认: 10
# 0 (为关闭防刷屏)
# ChatFlood.MessageDelay
# 防刷屏开关,多少秒间隔开始计算为违规信息
# 默认: 1 (秒)
# ChatFlood.MuteTime
# 防刷屏开关,禁言时间
# 默认: 10 (秒)
# Channel.RestrictedLfg
# 寻求组队频道(LookupForGroup)设置,仅登记并再现在LFG(寻求组队)对话窗口的玩家
# 默认: 1 (必须使用命令:"/lfg 4"激活LFG(寻求组队)频道的情况才准许加入频道)
# 0 (准许任何时侯加入对频道)
# Channel.SilentlyGMJoin
# 设置1级以上的GM人物加入时是否采用各频道
# 默认: 0 (以正常方式加入公告)
# 1 (GM加入,不用公告)
ChatFakeMessagePreventing = 0
ChatStrictLinkChecking.Severity = 0
ChatStrictLinkChecking.Kick = 0
ChatFlood.MessageCount = 10
ChatFlood.MessageDelay = 1
ChatFlood.MuteTime = 10
Channel.RestrictedLfg = 0
Channel.SilentlyGMJoin = 0
# 游戏管理员设置
# GM.LoginState
# GM模式在登陆时状态
# 默认: 2 (上次离开时状态)
# 0 (总是关)
# 1 (总是开)
# GM.Visible
# GM登陆时的隐身状态
# 默认: 2 (上次离开时状态)
# 0 (隐身)
# 1 (可见)
# GM.AcceptTickets
# 是否允许GM 接收玩家的报告.
# 默认: 2 (最后保存状态)
# 0 (关闭)
# 1 (开启)
# GM.Chat
# GM聊天模式,在登陆的时候
# 默认: 2 (最后保存状态)
# 0 (关闭)
# 1 (开启)
# GM.WhisperingTo
# GM默认是否接受玩家的悄悄话.
# 默认: 2 (最后保存状态)
# 0 (不接受)
# 1 (接受)
# GM.InGMList.Level
# 是否显示指定等级的GM等级的显示列表 (当GM隐身时) 或则 (.gm off)
# 250 (仅玩家)
# 251 (普通GM)
# 252 (高级GM)
# 默认: 253 (所有)
# GM.InWhoList.Level
# 是否显示指定等级的GM名单 (当GM隐身时).
# 250 (仅玩家)
# 251 (普通GM)
# 252 (高级GM)
# 默认: 253 (所有)
# GM.LogTrade
# 如果打开 则在GM LOG里记录GM的交易和交易信息
# 默认: 1 (记录)
# 0 (不记录)
# GM.StartLevel
# GM出生等级 (1-100)
# 默认: 1
# GM.LowerSecurity
# Disallow a lower security member to interact with a higher one using commands
# Default: 0 (disable)
# 1 (enable)
# GM.AllowAchievementGain
# 是否允许GM获得系统成就
# 默认: 1 (允许)
# 0 (不允许)
GM.LoginState = 2
GM.Visible = 2
GM.AcceptTickets = 2
GM.Chat = 2
GM.WhisperingTo = 2
GM.InGMList.Level = 253
GM.InWhoList.Level = 253
GM.LogTrade = 1
GM.StartLevel = 1
GM.LowerSecurity = 0
GM.AllowAchievementGain = 1
# 可见度和侦测范围设置
# Visibility.GroupMode
# 团队可见模式
# 默认: 0 (s标准设置:只有同一个团队的队友才可以100%侦测隐形玩家)
# 1 (只有同一个小队的队友才可以100%侦测隐形玩家)
# 2 (同一阵营的队友可以100%侦测隐形玩家)
# Visibility.Distance.Continents
# Visibility.Distance.Instances
# Visibility.Distance.BGArenas
# 在不同的地图可视范围距离.
# 在普通大陆的可视距离 ~90 码. 在战场/竞技场 ~180. 在副本的可视范围默认为 ~120.
# 最大距离: ~ 333
# 最低是最大 aggro 半径 (45) * Rate.Creature.Aggro
# Visibility.Distance.InFlight
# 玩家在飞行中的可见距离
# 最低限度是 0 (没有显示任何物体)
# Visibility.Distance.Grey.Unit
# 可见性灰色距离为 生物/玩家 (快速的改变的对象)
# 除了适当的目标类型可见.距离* 其它都清除(除尸体周围距离)
# 如果是距离并且 G 是灰色距离 那么对象将是可见的如果距离到它 <= D 否则不可见,如果距离 > D+G
# 默认: 1 (码)
# Visibility.Distance.Grey.Object
# 可见灰色距离 for dynobjects/gameobjects/corpses/creature bodies
# 默认: 10 (码)
# Visibility.RelocationLowerLimit
# Object's visibility update called, when distance between current object's position and position,
# where visiblity was updated last time, reaches RelocationLoverLimit value
# Default: 10 (yards)
# Visibility.AIRelocationNotifyDelay
# Delay time between creature AI reactions on nearby movements
# Default: 1000 (milliseconds)
Visibility.GroupMode = 0
Visibility.Distance.Continents = 66
Visibility.Distance.Instances = 66
Visibility.Distance.BGArenas = 66
Visibility.Distance.InFlight = 10
Visibility.Distance.Grey.Unit = 1
Visibility.Distance.Grey.Object = 10
Visibility.RelocationLowerLimit = 10
Visibility.AIRelocationNotifyDelay = 1000
# 服务端倍率设置
# Rate.Health
# Rate.Mana
# Rate.Rage.Income
# Rate.Rage.Loss
# Rate.RunicPower.Income
# Rate.RunicPower.Loss
# Rate.Focus
# Rate.Energy (Rogue)
# 血和能量的恢复及受伤获得的怒气(倍数).
# 默认: 1
# Rate.Skill.Discovery
# Skill Discovery Rates
# Default: 1
# Rate.Drop.Item.Poor
# Rate.Drop.Item.Normal
# Rate.Drop.Item.Uncommon
# Rate.Drop.Item.Rare
# Rate.Drop.Item.Epic
# Rate.Drop.Item.Legendary
# Rate.Drop.Item.Artifact
# Rate.Drop.Item.Referenced
# Rate.Drop.Money
# 金钱和物品掉落倍数(各种物品品质掉率)
# 默认: 1
# Rate.XP.Kill
# Rate.XP.Quest
# Rate.XP.Explore
# 杀怪,任务,探索地图 获得经验 乘以的倍数
# 默认: 1
# Rate.Rest.InGame
# Rate.Rest.Offline.InTavernOrCity
# Rate.Rest.Offline.InWilderness
# 精力条增长倍数 (1 - 正常, 2 - 两倍增长, 0.5 - 半倍增长, etc) 与正常被数相比较
# Rate.Damage.Fall
# 空中跌落伤害倍数. (1 - 标准, 2 - 两倍伤害, 0.5 - 一半伤害, etc)
# Rate.Auction.Time
# Rate.Auction.Deposit
# Rate.Auction.Cut
# 拍卖率(拍卖时间, 开始拍卖时的存款倍率, 在拍卖结束拍卖价格削减比例)
# Auction.Deposit.Min
# Minimum auction deposit size in copper
# Default: 100 (1 silver)
# Rate.Honor
# 荣誉增长倍数
# Rate.Mining.Amount
# Rate.Mining.Next
# 矿物 倍数 (Mining.Amount changes minimum/maximum usetimes of a deposit,
# Mining.Next changes chance to have next use of a deposit)
# Rate.Talent
# 天赋增加倍数
# 默认: 1
# Rate.Reputation.Gain
# 荣誉增加倍数
# 默认: 1
# Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Kill
# Reputation Gain form low level kill (grey creture)
# Default: 1
# Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Quest
# 荣誉倍率设置(低等级任务)
# 默认: 1
# Rate.InstanceResetTime
# 数字乘以instance_template表中的reset_delay得到的天数,reset_delay如果为零,则采用DBC中的重置天数.
# 默认: 1
# SkillGain.Crafting
# SkillGain.Defense
# SkillGain.Gathering
# SkillGain.Weapon
# crafting/defense/gathering/weapon skills gain at skill grow (1,2,...)
# Default: 1
# SkillChance.Orange
# SkillChance.Yellow
# SkillChance.Green
# SkillChance.Grey
# 技能熟练度提升几率 (0..100)
# 默认: 100-75-25-0
# SkillChance.MiningSteps
# SkillChance.SkinningSteps
# 关于剥皮和采矿机会减少与技能水平.
# 默认: 0 - 不减少
# 75 - 每75点技能点在2以内
# SkillFail.Loot.Fishing
# For fishing instead fail provided junk loot
# Default: 1 (enabled)
# 0 (disabled)
# SkillFail.Gain.Fishing
# For fishing skill gain possible at fail also
# Default: 1 (enabled)
# 0 (disabled)
# SkillFail.Possible.FishingPool
# For fishing pool impossible fail from low skill by default
# Default: 0 (disabled)
# 1 (enabled)
# DurabilityLossChance.Damage
# Chance lost one from equiped items durability point at damage apply or receive.
# Default: 0.5 (100/0.5 = 200) Each 200 damage apply one from 19 possible equipped items
# DurabilityLossChance.Absorb
# Chance lost one from armor items durability point at damage absorb.
# Default: 0.5 (100/0.5 = 200) Each 200 absorbs apply one from 15 possible armor equipped items
# DurabilityLossChance.Parry
# Chance lost weapon durability point at parry.
# Default: 0.05 (100/0.05 = 2000) Each 2000 parry attacks main weapon lost point
# DurabilityLossChance.Block
# Chance lost sheild durability point at damage block.
# Default: 0.05 (100/0.05 = 2000) Each 2000 partly or full blocked attacks shield lost point
# Death.SicknessLevel
# 玩家复活虚弱时间配置 (1 min)
# 默认: 11
# -10 - 玩家将是完整的10分钟 (10min)虚弱时间 at 1 level
# maxplayerlevel+1 - 最大等級+1,就不會有虛弱时间限制
# Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvP
# Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvE
# Enabled/disabled increase corpse reclaim delay at often PvP/PvE deaths
# Default: 1 (enabled)
# 0 (disabled)
# Death.Bones.World
# Death.Bones.BattlegroundOrArena
# Enable/disable creating bones instead corpse at resurrection (in normal zones/instacnes, or battleground/arenas)
# Default: 1 (enabled)
# 0 (disabled)
# Death.Ghost.RunSpeed.World
# Death.Ghost.RunSpeed.Battleground
# Modifies the speed of player's ghosts, removed upon reviving, not permanent/saved, in non-BG and BG maps
# Default: 1.0 (normal speed)
Rate.Health = 1
Rate.Mana = 1
Rate.Rage.Income = 1
Rate.Rage.Loss = 1
Rate.RunicPower.Income = 1
Rate.RunicPower.Loss = 1
Rate.Focus = 1
Rate.Energy = 1
Rate.Skill.Discovery = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Poor = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Normal = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Uncommon = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Rare = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Epic = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Legendary = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Artifact = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Referenced = 1
Rate.Drop.Money = 1
Rate.XP.Kill = 1
Rate.XP.Quest = 1
Rate.XP.Explore = 1
Rate.Rest.InGame = 1
Rate.Rest.Offline.InTavernOrCity = 1
Rate.Rest.Offline.InWilderness = 1
Rate.Damage.Fall = 0.5
Rate.Auction.Time = 1
Rate.Auction.Deposit = 1
Rate.Auction.Cut = 1
Auction.Deposit.Min = 100
Rate.Honor = 1
Rate.Mining.Amount = 1
Rate.Mining.Next = 1
Rate.Talent = 1
Rate.Reputation.Gain = 1
Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Kill = 1
Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Quest = 1
Rate.InstanceResetTime = 1
SkillGain.Crafting = 1
SkillGain.Defense = 1
SkillGain.Gathering = 1
SkillGain.Weapon = 1
SkillChance.Orange = 100
SkillChance.Yellow = 75
SkillChance.Green = 25
SkillChance.Grey = 0
SkillChance.MiningSteps = 0
SkillChance.SkinningSteps = 0
SkillFail.Loot.Fishing = 1
SkillFail.Gain.Fishing = 1
SkillFail.Possible.FishingPool = 0
DurabilityLossChance.Damage = 0.5
DurabilityLossChance.Absorb = 0.5
DurabilityLossChance.Parry = 0.05
DurabilityLossChance.Block = 0.05
Death.SicknessLevel = 81
Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvP = 1
Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvE = 1
Death.Bones.World = 1
Death.Bones.BattlegroundOrArena = 1
Death.Ghost.RunSpeed.World = 1.0
Death.Ghost.RunSpeed.Battleground = 1.0
# 战场配置系统
# Battleground.CastDeserter
# 在私自离开战场场地情况下,是否设置或取消逃兵技能
# 默认: 1 (开启)
# 0 (关闭)
# Battleground.QueueAnnouncer.Join
# Enable queue announcer posting to chat at join
# Default: 0 (not send)
# 1 (send to joined player only)
# 2 (send to all players)
# Battleground.QueueAnnouncer.Start
# Enable queue announcer posting to chat at BG start
# Default: 0 (disable)
# 1 (enable)
# Battleground.InvitationType
# 设置战场邀请类型
# 默认: 0 (普通 - invite as much players to bg as possible, don't bother with ballance)
# 1 (Experimental - don't allow to invite much more players of one faction)
# Battleground.PrematureFinishTimer
# The time to end the bg if there are less than MinPlayersPerTeam on one side in milliseconds
# Default: 300000 (5 minutes)
# 0 - disable (not recommended)
# BattleGround.PremadeGroupWaitForMatch
# The time in which premade group of 1 faction waits in BG Queue for premade group of other faction
# Default: 1800000 (30 minutes)
# 0 - disable premade group matches (group always added to bg team in normal way)
Battleground.CastDeserter = 1
Battleground.QueueAnnouncer.Join = 0
Battleground.QueueAnnouncer.Start = 0
Battleground.InvitationType = 0
BattleGround.PrematureFinishTimer = 300000
BattleGround.PremadeGroupWaitForMatch = 1800000
# 竞技场配置系统
# Arena.MaxRatingDifference
# The maximum rating difference between two groups in rated matches
# Default: 150 (enable, recommended)
# 0 (disable, rating difference is discarded)
# Arena.RatingDiscardTimer
# After the specified milliseconds has passed,
# rating information will be discarded when selecting teams for matches
# also initiates an update by this timer
# Default: 600000 (10 minutes, recommended)
# 0 (disable)
# Arena.AutoDistributePoints
# Set if arena points should be distributed automatically, or by GM command
# Default: 0 (disable) (recommended): use gm command or sql query to distribute the points
# 1 (enable) arena points are distributed automatically
# Arena.AutoDistributeInterval
# How often should the distribution take place
# If automatic distribution is enabled in days
# Default: 7 (weekly)
# Arena.QueueAnnouncer.Join
# Enable arena queue announcer posting to chat at join
# Default: 0 (disable)
# 1 (enable)
# Arena.QueueAnnouncer.Exit
# Enable arena queue announcer posting to chat at exit
# Default: 0 (disable)
# 1 (enable)
# Arena.ArenaSeason.ID
# 当前在客户端显示的竞技场季度
# 默认: 1
# Arena.ArenaSeasonPrevious.ID
# Previous area season id show in client
# Default: 0
# Arena.StartRating
# Default Rating at team creation
# Default: -1 (use season dependent default value)
# Arena.StartPersonalRating
# Default Personal Rating at team creation
# Default: -1 (use season dependent default value)
Arena.MaxRatingDifference = 150
Arena.RatingDiscardTimer = 600000
Arena.AutoDistributePoints = 0
Arena.AutoDistributeInterval = 7
Arena.QueueAnnouncer.Join = 0
Arena.QueueAnnouncer.Exit = 0
Arena.ArenaSeason.ID = 1
Arena.ArenaSeasonPrevious.ID = 0
Arena.StartRating = -1
Arena.StartPersonalRating = -1
# 网络线程设置
# Network.Threads
# 开启多少个网络线程 ,每一个线程能建立1000个连接.
# 默认: 1
# Network.OutKBuff
# The size of the output kernel buffer used ( SO_SNDBUF socket option, tcp manual ).
# Default: -1 (Use system default setting)
# Network.OutUBuff
# Userspace buffer for output. This is amount of memory reserved per each connection.
# Default: 65536
# Network.TcpNoDelay:
# TCP Nagle algorithm setting
# Default: 0 (enable Nagle algorithm, less traffic, more latency)
# 1 (TCP_NO_DELAY, disable Nagle algorithm, more traffic but less latency)
# Network.KickOnBadPacket
# Kick player on bad packet format.
# Default: 0 - do not kick
# 1 - kick
Network.Threads = 4
Network.OutKBuff = 16384
Network.OutUBuff = 65536
Network.TcpNodelay = 1
Network.KickOnBadPacket = 0
# Console.Enable
# 控制台开关
# 默认: 1 - on
# 0 - off
# Ra.Enable
# 远程控制台开关
# 默认: 0 - off
# 1 - on
# Ra.IP
# 默认远程控制IP地址,为所有IP皆可
# Ra.Port
# 默认远程控制台端口
# Default: 3443
# Ra.MinLevel
# 远程控制台连接到服务器所需要的GM等级,默认为3(管理员)
# Default: 253 (Administrator)
# Ra.Secure
# 踢出用户,如果他输入了错误的密码 (仅限远程控制台)
# 0 - off
# Default: 1 - on
# Ra.Stricted
# Not allow execute console level only commands remotly by RA
# 0 - off
# Default: 1 - on
# SOAP.Enable
# Enable soap service
# Default: 0 - off
# 1 - on
# Bound SOAP service ip address, use to access from everywhere
# Default:
# SOAP.Port
# SOAP port
# Default: 7878
Console.Enable = 1
Ra.Enable = 0
Ra.IP =
Ra.Port = 3443
Ra.MinLevel = 253
Ra.Secure = 1
Ra.Stricted = 1
SOAP.Enabled = 0
SOAP.Port = 7878
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