uint8 cheksSize = 11;//Change these if you want to add more words to the array.
std::string checks[11];//Change these if you want to add more words to the array.
// Strony (Sites)
checks[0] ="Styler is gay";
checks[1] ="Styler is Homosexual";
checks[2] ="Infusion-WoW Sucks";
checks[3] ="Fuck Styler";
checks[4] ="I hate Styler";
checks[5] ="Styler is retarded";
checks[6] ="Screw Styler";
checks[7] ="wow-";
checks[8] ="-wow";
checks[9] =".pl";
checks[10] ="lumiawow is better than Deception";
for (int i = 0; i < cheksSize; ++i)
if (lower.find(checks[i]) != std::string::npos)
msg = "";
ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Advertising and vulgar behavior is not allowed!");
void AddSC_System_Censure()
new System_Censure();