进入游戏,用.npc add 来增加对应的NPC到游戏中,就可以用该NPC进行游戏传送了。。具体传送地址可以自己定义
- -- ----------------
- DELETE FROM `conditions` WHERE `SourceTypeOrReferenceId`=15 AND `SourceGroup` BETWEEN @Main AND @Main+12;
- INSERT INTO conditions (`SourceTypeOrReferenceId`, `SourceGroup`, `SourceEntry`, `ElseGroup`,
- `ConditionTypeOrReference`, `ConditionValue1`, `ConditionValue2`, `ConditionValue3`, `ErrorTextId`,
- `ScriptName`, `Comment`) VALUES
- -- Main Menu:
- (15,@Main,1,0,27,55,3,0,0, '', 'Level 55+ Outland Towns'),
- (15,@Main,2,0,27,70,3,0,0, '', 'Level 70+ Northrend Towns'),
- (15,@Main,5,0,27,55,3,0,0, '', 'Level 55+ Outland Dungeons'),
- (15,@Main,6,0,27,55,3,0,0, '', 'Level 70+ Northrend Dungeons'),
- (15,@Main,7,0,27,60,3,0,0, '', 'Level 60+ Azeroth Raids'),
- (15,@Main,8,0,27,70,3,0,0, '', 'Level 70+ Outland Raids'),
- (15,@Main,9,0,27,80,3,0,0, '', 'Level 80+ Northrend Raids'),
- -- Submenu: Cities
- (15,@Sub_Cities,1,0,27,70,3,0,0, '', 'Level 70+ Dalaran'),
- (15,@Sub_Cities,2,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Stormwind'),
- (15,@Sub_Cities,3,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Ironforge'),
- (15,@Sub_Cities,4,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Darnassus'),
- (15,@Sub_Cities,5,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Exodar'),
- (15,@Sub_Cities,6,0,6,67,0,0,0, '', 'Horde: Orgrimmar'),
- (15,@Sub_Cities,7,0,6,67,0,0,0, '', 'Horde: Undercity'),
- (15,@Sub_Cities,8,0,6,67,0,0,0, '', 'Horde: ThunderBluff'),
- (15,@Sub_Cities,9,0,6,67,0,0,0, '', 'Horde: Silvermoon'),
- (15,@Sub_Cities,10,0,27,60,3,0,0, '', 'Level 60+ Shattrath'),
- -- Submenu: Towns BC
- (15,@Sub_Towns_BC,1,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Honor Hold'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_BC,2,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Telaar'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_BC,3,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Sylvanaar'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_BC,4,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Wildhammer Stronghold'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_BC,5,0,6,67,0,0,0, '', 'Horde: Thunderlord Stronghold'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_BC,6,0,6,67,0,0,0, '', 'Horde: Thrallmar'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_BC,7,0,6,67,0,0,0, '', 'Horde: Garadar'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_BC,8,0,6,67,0,0,0, '', 'Horde: Shadowmoon Village'),
- -- Submenu: Towns WOTLK
- (15,@Sub_Towns_WOTLK,1,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Valiance Keep'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_WOTLK,2,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Westguard Keep'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_WOTLK,3,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Wintergarde Keep'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_WOTLK,4,0,6,469,0,0,0, '', 'Ally: Amberpine Lodge'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_WOTLK,5,0,6,67,0,0,0, '', 'Horde: Warsong Hold'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_WOTLK,6,0,6,67,0,0,0, '', 'Horde: Vengeance Landing'),
- (15,@Sub_Towns_WOTLK,7,0,6,67,0,0,0, '', 'Horde: Agmars Hammer'),
复制代码 下载完整的数据库文档