if (player->getClass() == 1) //判断玩家的职业
1 战士
2 圣骑
3 猎人
4 盗贼
5 牧师
6 死亡骑士
7 萨满
8 法师
9 术士
11 德鲁伊
player->SaveRecallPosition(); //保存你当前的位置到数据库。。 涉及命令 .recall
player->TeleportTo(0, -8855.95f, 599.54f, 92.06f, 0.0f); //魔兽世界私服中的传送函数
(Map Id, X Cords, Y Cords, Z Cords, Orientation);
地图 X坐标 Y坐标 Z坐标 方位
你可以用GM命令 .gps来获得当前的坐标位置
if (player->getLevel() == 80) //获得玩家的角色等级
player->AddItem(2586, 1); //给角色增加物品2586这个物品
This will add the player an item.
player->AddItem(itemid, ammount); //给角色增加物品2586这个物品,ammount 增加对应物品的数量
Should be self explanitory.
player->DestroyItemCount(2586, 1, true);//删除角色的物品 1个。
This will destroy an item if the player has it.
player->DestroyItemCount(ItemId, AmmountToDestroy, return value); //删除指定数量的物品ItemId 物品ID,AmmountToDestroy删除数量
if(player->GetSession()->GetSecurity() >= 1) // Greater than // 获得角色的GM会员等级
if(player->GetSession()->GetSecurity() <= 1) // Lesser than // 获得角色的GM会员等级
if(player->GetSession()->GetSecurity() == 1) // Equals To // 获得角色的GM会员等级
Above will check to see if the player is a specific gm level.
player->SetAtLoginFlag(AT_LOGIN_CHANGE_FACTION); //这个是登录后,可以修改阵营的函数
// Will initiate a faction change.
// Will initiate a name change.
// Will initiate a race change
player->SetAtLoginFlag(AT_LOGIN_CUSTOMIZE); //这个就是登录后,可以修改角色外貌的函数
// Will initiate a character customization.
player->GetSession()->SendShowBank(player->GetGUID()); //打开玩家的银行
Will send a bank window.
if (player->isInCombat()) //判断角色是否在战斗中
// Checks to see if the player is in combat.
if (player->isMoving())//判断角色是否在移动,跑动,走动中
// Checks to see if the player is moving.
if (player->isInFlight())//判断角色是否在飞行状态
// Checks to see if the player is on a flight path.