这个是TrinityCore魔兽世界私服的 一个命令脚本!里面包含两个GM命令,这些命令也可以给普通玩家使用
This script gives the user a command, .hearth. You can do .hearth go (to goto the place your hearthstone is set) and .hearth set to set your hearthstone! I haven't seen one of these before, so I decided to make one for fun. Hopefully this helps someone
你可以给普通玩家使用这两个命令,一个是.hearth go 这个是返回你的炉石点! 另一个是.hearth set 就是设置这里是你的炉石点!
ChatCommand* GetCommands() const
static ChatCommand recallCommandTable[] =
{ "go", SEC_PLAYER, true, &HandleRecallGoCommand, "", NULL },
{ "set", SEC_PLAYER, false, &HandleRecallSetCommand "", NULL },
{ NULL, 0, false, NULL, "", NULL }
static ChatCommand commandTable[] =
{ "hearth", SEC_PLAYER, true, NULL, "", recallCommandTable},
{ NULL, 0, false, NULL, "", NULL }
return commandTable;